Guestbook (and rate)


Be sure to sign the guestbook (rating included)!



1. No toxic arguments
2. Racial slurs are strictly prohibited
3. Please use your common sense
4. Spam and Harassment in any form are also prohibited...
5. Seriously, do not abuse the rating feature to review bomb this site.
6. While slang is acceptable, to ensure the quality of the guestbook meets expectations, please do not try to make brainrot or otherwise intentionally low quality content (don't worry! It won't be deleted if you attempt to make something good but fail).
8. Rule 7 will not exist.
9. Rule 8 is lying. Rule 7 is located below.
7. What
10. I recommend using for images.
11. Why? It's not even in English!
10. IDK, people started using it so I did. It also works well for images such as t5mzf.png!
12. What's that?
10. Oh, its just [removed by moderator]
13. All Lukas Zone easter eggs are forbidden.
14. [Every rule beyond rule six is inaccurate]
15. Shut up, 14!
16. Why are we arguing?
18. That was not an argument.
19. Hey, where's rule 17?
8. Oh wait, that was what it meant. RIP