Advertise at Lukas Zone:


At Lukas Zone, you can advertise at Lukas Zone to gain a larger viewer base and build up website success. Your advertisement will be placed at the home page below the video spotlight in a visible way. To post an advertisement request, first, send me an email at Your message should contain a banner image as an attachment, the link to your website (social media accounts are accepted if you want to do that), and anything else you want to include (optional). Please make sure your website follows these rules before posting an ad request:


1. Your website must follow the Neocities Terms Of Service (even if your website isn't hosted on neocities).

2. If your banner exceeds an area of 122500 pixels (multiply the dimensions), The image will be manually resized to fit the website.

3. The website you specify must be your own website.

4. Your banner and website should not contain an obvious workaround. EXAMPLE: your banner image is 1x122500 to break the website.


Upon approval, you should see your ad on Lukas Zone in a range of 1-20 days.