Step 2 - A brief tour of version 3.0

For the vibe, read this page with this song:

Lukas Zone 1.3
Lukas Zone version 1.3 (from August, 2023).

Version 3.0 is a large step away from the 2.X and 1.X versions. You will see a massive overhaul and you could get a bit confused over the redesign, so this page should help.

Lukas Zone 3.0 w/o guide
The 3.0 homepage at a first glance. Lots of things have changed as you can see.

In the above picture, you might have noticed that there is a very different header.This layout wouldn't have been possible without my CSS advancements since I have temporarily stopped using my Dell due to a lack of storage.

To ease some things, here are some added descriptions of the top page features.
Lukas Zone 3.0 WITH labels

As you can see here, there are much more details about the top of the page than in the previous image.

NOTE: This new update may be less compliant of HTML standards because it is now a mess of HTML 3.2, 4.0, and XML 1.0 combinations. If this impacts your expeirience at all,

Here are some other new changes:

The video spotlight block has been changed to include thumbnails instead of embeds.

When you click on the thumbnails, you will be brought to this page to watch the BitView embed and can download the low quality or high quality versions.

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