Put your announcement here. Before publishing, please give credit to Lukas Zone because Lukas Zone contains a creative commons license.


[your name] Zone

the zone to be.


I am [your name] and this is [your name] Zone containing cool experiments and more cool things.


[Insert ad here]

[Insert announcement here]

<-- Put the name of your link here

info of my website (1.06):            

[your name]zone.[host] publish information.txt     2 KB

the invisible button:

You are the

  [Insert hit counter here]

visitor since [date of adding hit counter]


Title of the document   Background Color
  test by lukas


[Your name] zone search bar's

unlike the Lukas.com homepage, you can choose more than Google. but to prevent replacement of the lukas homepage, you will have to go there for google.

 Search Lukas Zone



The Web Search Lukas Zone
version history:

[Version number] [version name]: [version description]