Merry early christmas! Cowntdown to christmas:


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the zone to be.

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Everything on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise specified


Say no to web environment integrityProject swirlTest Zone (BETA)Lukas Zone social clientRating Count page of the week:

Current version: 1.3 (February, 2023)



I am lukas and this is a big project for think of this as the other side of with cool experiments and well more cool things. I have just played THIS GAME and it has had an effect on how Lukas Zone might feel to you.



Video spotlight:




what the worst website would be likedont click this!the xp machineconceptsmy strange discoverywhat was the wait testsannouncementSocialBlogMocksLukas zone but horribly translatedLukas Netthe very early internet

info of my website (1.4 now):     publish information.txt     2 KB

the invisible button:


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This website is owned by Lukas Swearingen and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise specified. Please give credit to me before copying my work.

© 2023 Lukas Zone


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